

Interpretation of the Circular on Issuing the Rules for Online Transaction of ConstructionLand-useRightsin Hainan Province (Trial)


Recently, the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province issued the Circular on Issuing the Rules for Online Transaction of Construction Land-use Rights in Hainan Province (Trial)(Hainan DNRP - Regulation - 2021 - No.5)(hereinafter referred to the Rules)to regulate the online transaction of construction land use rights (hereinafter referred to as online transaction), improve the efficiency of the transaction and promote fairness in the transaction. The Rules is now interpreted as follows:

  1. 出台背景

  1. Background

依据《中共中央 国务院关于构建更加完善的要素市场化配置体制机制的意见》《国家发展改革委关于深化公共资源交易平台整合共享指导意见》《海南省深化公共资源交易平台整合共享实施方案》等文件精神和要求,为建设统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系,深化“放管服”改革,构建土地资源全流程电子化交易体系,做好网上交易制度集成创新,确保网上交易工作有据可循、有据可依,结合我省建设用地使用权出让实际,制定出台本《规则》。

According to the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Building a More Perfect Institutional Mechanism for Market-Based Allocation of Factors", "Guidance on Deepening the Integration and Sharing of Public Resources TransactionPlatforms by the National Development and Reform Commission", "Implementation Plan for Deepening the Integration and Sharing of Public Resources transactionPlatforms in Hainan Province"and other documents and requirements, in order to build a unified, open, competitive and orderly market system, deepen the " Management and service" reform, build the whole process of land resources electronic transaction system, do a good job of online transaction system integration and innovation, to ensure that the work of online transactions based on the evidence, based on the actual construction land use rights in our province, the development and introduction of the "rules".

  1. 主要内容

  1. Key points


The Rules" consists of ten chapters and sixty articles, including general provisions, general provisions, project registration and information dissemination, bid application and qualification review, online listing, online auction, transaction confirmation and results announcement, suspension and termination of transactions, supervision and regulation, and by-laws. The main contents are as follows.

  1. 明确了基本概念、适用范围和交易原则。

(1)Clarifythe basic concepts, scope of application and transaction principles.


The Rules explain the basic concepts of online transactionof construction land use rights, grantors and bidders, outline the general process of online listing and online auction, clarify the responsibilities of online transactionof natural resources and planning authorities at all levels and provincial land transactioncenters, and clarify the scope of application of the Rules and onlinetransactionshould follow the information confidentiality, network security and the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and honesty and credit principles.

  1. 明确了网上交易系统相关管理要求。

(2)Explainthe management requirements related to the online transactionsystem.


The Rules clarify the implementation of the CA digital authentication system for online transactions, the guidelines for online transactionsystem transaction data information time and data deposition to make clear requirements, while the regulatory measures and confidentiality requirements for reserve price entry.

  1. 规范了建设用地使用权网上交易流程和规则。

(3) standardize the process and rules for online mining rights transactions


First, project registration and information dissemination. Online transactions of information registration, material review and announcement release and other specific provisions. Second, bid application and qualification examination. The online transaction of construction land use rights makes detailed provisions on the precautions for bidding application, liability risks and bidding process, and makes specific provisions on the qualification audit of bidders. Third, online listing and online auction. The specific process of online listing and online auction of construction land use rights, the online listing and online auction supporting the rules of quotation, the five-minute countdown rule and the rules for determining the bidder are specified. Fourth, the transaction confirmation and results announcement. Construction land use rights online listing, online auction after the end of the transaction confirmation, results announcement and bid deposit refund to make specific provisions, but also clarifies the circumstances and procedures for revoking the transaction results in the onlinetransactionsystem. Five is the suspension and termination of the transaction. Suspension and termination of the online transaction process involves the publication of additional announcements, emergency disposal requirements to make specific provisions.

  1. 明确了相关监督监管措施和责任。

(4)Define the relevant supervisory and regulatory measures and responsibilities.


Definethe legal responsibilities of the relevant staff, grantors, bidders, bidders, etc. in the online transactionactivities, especially the three kinds of invalid bids, and make specific provisions for supervision and inspection, as well as the responsibility of reporting and complaint subjects and handling.

  1. 实施期限

  1. Implementation period


From the date of issue and implementation,the Rules isvalid for five years.

  1. 注意事项

  1. Matters need attention

  1. 规则适用的范围为以挂牌和拍卖方式在网上交易系统交易的国有建设用地使用权出让、租赁、先租后让以及集体经营性建设用地使用权入市,招标方式暂不纳入网上交易

  1. The rules apply to the scope of the listing and auction in the onlinetransactionsystem for the sale of state-owned construction land use rights, leasing, rent first and then let, as well as collective business construction land use rights into the market, the bidding method is not included in the online transaction.

  1. 网上交易可以按照本规则采取全流程网上交易方式,也可以采取“线上+线下”相结合的半流程网上交易方式,由出让人在交易方案中予以明确。全流程网上交易,网上竞买申请、资格审核、报价竞价程序按网上交易系统预先设定的程序运行。“线上+线下”相结合的半流程网上交易方式,竞买申请和资格审核以及结果公布等交易环节在网上交易系统进行,报价竞价、成交确认等交易环节在线下交易现场进行,并按照国家和省相关规定执行。

II. The online transaction of Construction Land-Use Rightsmay adopt a whole-process online transaction method according to these Rules, or a semi-process online transaction method combining "online + offline", which shall be specified by the transferor in the transaction scheme. The semi-process online transaction mode of "online + offline" means that the transaction links such as project registration and information release, bidding application, qualification review and results publicity shall be carried out in the online transaction system and implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of these Rules; the transaction links such as quotation, bidding and transaction confirmation shall be conducted at the offline transaction site, and implemented in accordance with the relevant national and provincial regulations.


III. For online transactions, CA digital authentication system is implemented. Bidders shall properly keep the CA digital certificate, and bear the legal liability arising from any of their acts through the online transaction system. In case of any change in the bidder's information, the CA digital certificate must be updated in time, otherwise the bidder shall bear the legal liability arising therefrom.


Article 11 The time involved in the online transaction process shall be subject to the server time of the online transaction system, except that the time when the auction deposit shall be subject to the time recorded in the bank system. The data recording time shall be based on the time when the data information reaches the server of the online transaction system.

  1. 竞买人应在公告规定的竞买申请时间内登录网上交易系统,提交竞买申请、上传竞买申请文件,选择交纳保证金的银行生成唯一的随机竞买保证金账号。竞买人应当从本企业、本组织或本人身份开立的银行账户将竞买保证金足额、按时转入竞买保证金账号,可以分多笔转入,不接受现钞存入。竞买申请文件审核通过且竞买保证金已按要求交纳的竞买人即可获得竞买资格。因银行信息系统发送保证金到账信息延迟或有误,导致竞买人未取得竞买资格,出让人可依据银行出具的保证金到账证明手动颁发资格确认书。

  V.Bidders should log on to the online transactionsystem within the application time specified in the announcement, submit the bid application, upload the bid application documents, and select the bank to pay the deposit to generate a unique random bid deposit account number. If the same bidder resubmits an application for the same transaction target, the generated deposit account number will remain unchanged. The bidder shall transfer the full amount of the bidding margin from the bank account opened by the company, the organization, or his own identity. It may be transferred in multiple amounts and cash deposits are not accepted. The bidder who has passed the examination of the bid application document and paid the required deposit will be qualified to bid. If the bidder does not obtain the qualification due to the delay or error of the deposit arrival information sent by the bank information system, the bidder may manually issue the qualification confirmation based on the deposit arrival certificate issued by the bank.

  1. 网上竞价有时间限制,竞买人应当尽量避免在挂牌报价截止或限时竞价倒计时截止前最后1分钟内进行报价,以免因网络延迟等造成网上交易系统无法接受数据导致报价无效。竞买人应当谨慎报价,报价一经系统接受将即时公布。

VI. Online bidding has a time limit. Bidders shall try their best to avoid making quotations within the last minute before the end of the listing quotation or the deadline of the time-limited bidding countdown, so as to avoid the failure of the online transaction system to accept the data and result in the invalid quotation due to network delay, for which the transferor shall not bear any responsibility.

  1. 竞买人无法出价的,应当提交有关佐证材料及时向出让人反映。出让人应当在第一时间内对竞买人反映的疑似交易异常情况书面通知省土地交易中心。省土地交易中心应当立即组织技术支撑力量查找原因,排除故障。因竞买人使用的计算机遭遇网络堵塞、病毒入侵、软硬件故障或者损毁、遗失数字证书,遗忘或者泄露密码等原因,导致不能正常登录网上交易系统或进行申请、报价、竞价等,其后果由竞买人自行承担,网上交易活动不中止或终止。

VII.If a bidder is unable to make a bid, it shall submit relevant supporting materials to the transferor in a timely manner. The transferor shall, within the first time, notify the Mining Rights Transaction Center of Hainan Provincein writing of the suspected abnormal situation of the transaction reported by the bidder. the Mining Rights Transaction Center of Hainan Provinceshall immediately organize technical personnel to help find out the causes and eliminate faults.If the computer used by the bidder encounters network blockage, virus intrusion, software and hardware failure or damage, loss of digital certificate, forgetting or divulging password, resulting in a failure to log in to the online transaction system or make an application, quotation or bid, the consequences shall be borne by the bidder, and the online transactions shall not be suspended or terminated.

