Interpretation of Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province:Circular on Online TransactionWork of Mining Rights and Partial ConstructionLand-useRights
Recently,the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan ProvinceissuedtheCircular on Online Transaction Work of Mining Rights and Partial Construction Land-use Rights(Hainan DNRP - Circular - 2021 - No. 565)(hereinafter referred to the Circular). The Circular is now interpreted as follows:
依据《中共中央 国务院关于构建更加完善的要素市场化配置体制机制的意见》《国家发展改革委关于深化公共资源交易平台整合共享指导意见》《海南省深化公共资源交易平台整合共享实施方案》等文件精神和要求,为建设统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系,深化“放管服”改革,构建土地资源全流程电子化交易体系,按照分阶段、分步骤推进海南省建设用地使用权和矿业权网上交易工作的总体思路,决定开展矿业权和部分建设用地是使用权网上交易工作,印发本《通知》。
According to the "Central Committee of the Communist Party of China State Council on building a more complete institutional mechanism for market-oriented allocation of factors" "National Development and Reform Commission on deepening the integration and sharing of public resources transactionplatform guidance" "Hainan Province to deepen the integration and sharing of public resources transactionplatform implementation plan"and other documents and requirements, in order to build a unified and open, competitive and orderly market system, deepen the " Management and service" reformandthe construction of the whole process of land resources electronictransactionsystem, the Circular is issued in accordance with the phased, step-by-step promotion of Hainan Province construction land use rights and mining rights online transactionof the general idea, so asto carry outonlinetransactionworkofmining rights and part of the construction land useright.
Key points
TheCircularconsists of three articles, the main contents of which are as follows.
(1)Clarifythe time, scope and manner of online transactions.
Starting from April 10, 2021, the natural resources and planning authorities of the provinces, cities, counties, autonomous counties, and Yangpu Economic Development Zone will supply mining rights by auction or listing in accordance with the mining rights approval and registration authority or the authorization of the superior authority (Excluding the sea sand mining rights transferred in the “two rights into one” method and the oil and gas and other mining rights entrusted by the Ministry of Natural Resources to implement the transfer of the Ministry of Natural Resources), as well as the use of construction land in the reserve of cities, counties, and provinces through auction and listing. If the right is used for the construction of commercial residential buildings (including residential commercial residential buildings), online transactions shall be conducted on the Hainan Province construction land use rights and mining rights online trading system (hereinafter referred to as the online trading system). At the initial stage of the online trading system, a semi-process online transaction that combines "online + offline" is adopted, that is, the trading links such as transaction item registration, information release, bidding application and qualification review are carried out in the online trading system, quotation bidding, and transaction confirmation links Online and offline transactions are conducted on-site.
(2)Definethe "online + offline" semi-process online transactions of the specific process.
The first is transactionproject registration.Transactionregistration of mining rights shall beperformed at theLand Reserve Consolidation and Transaction Center of Hainan Province.Transactionregistration of constructionland-use rights for commercial housing projects shall be performed bythe online land transactionfrom municipal and county-level bureaus of natural resources and planning as well as provincial land reserve authorities.
The second is the release of onlinetransactionannouncement.TheProvincial Land Transaction Centershall release the transfer announcements, transfer Circulars and other transactiondocuments of mining rights.Once online transactionregistration procedures of constructionland-use rights for commercial housing begin, municipal and county-level bureaus of natural resources and planning as well as provincial land reserve authorities shall publish transactionannouncements, transactionCirculars and other relevant documents.
The third is online bidding application.Prospective bidders shall log in to the online transactionsystem in their real names withCA digital certificates within the bidding application time specified in the announcement, fill outtheir detailed information by following the application process of the transactionsystem, upload the bidding application documents, submit the bidding application and pay the bidding deposit.
The fourth is bidding qualification examination.If the bidding application documents submitted by the bidding applicants in the online transactionsystem are approved and the bidding deposit has been paid as required, the online transactionsystem will automatically qualify them as bidders by issuing theConfirmation of the Qualification for Bidding.
The fifth is offline bidding and purchase confirmation.Once the offline transactionis completed, transferors of mining rights and commercial housingland-userights shall sign the transactionconfirmation with the bidder on the spot stipulated by relevant regulations, and sign the transfer contract of mining rights and state-owned construction land-use rightsaccording to the transactionconfirmation.
The six is transactionresults announcement.Oncetransactionactivities conclude, the Provincial Land Transaction Centershall announce and publish transactionresults on specified platforms, uploading announcements and publicity documents to the online transactionsystem at the same time.
The seventh is bidding deposit refunding and transactionservice fee payment.Once the online transactionof mining rights and commercial housing land-userights is completed, winning bidders shall pay transactionservice fees, with their bidding deposit converted into the transfer fees of mining rights or land transfer fees. The refunding of the bidding deposit forthose failing to win bids shall be carried out in accordance with the methods of on-site transactionactivities.
The Department of Natural Resources and Planningof Hainan Province, bureaus of natural resources and planning ofcities and countiesand other relevant authoritiesshallmap outguidelines for theonline transactionwork. Bureaus of natural resources and planning ofcities and countiesshallearnestly make full preparations,map outtransfer schemes for mining rights and commercial housing land-userights as required.
Matters need attention
For online transactions, CA digital authentication system is implemented. Bidders shall properly keep the CA digital certificate, and bear the legal liability arising from any of their acts through the online transaction system. In case of any change in the bidder's information, the CA digital certificate must be updated in time, otherwise the bidder shall bear the legal liability arising therefrom.
Transactionannouncements cannot be easily changed once they are issued. If the contents of the transactionannouncements or Circulars require adjustments or modifications, theoriginal versions shall beterminatedand newtransactionannouncements shall be issued.
When submitting the bidding application in the online transactionsystem, the bidding applicants shall first designate a bank to pay the bidding deposit. The transactionsystem will then automatically generate a unique random bidding deposit account. The bidding applicants shall then transfer the deposit in full and on time to that account from the bank accounts of their companies, organizations or themselves. The arrival time of the bidding deposit shall be subject to the entry time of the bank information system.
During the implementation of "online + online" semi-process online transactionof mining rights and commercial residential land use rights, we shall further improving the online transactionsystem and issuingonline transactionrules based on the problems found in the transactionprocess and suggestions put forward in the online transactionof mining rights and commercial housing land-userights, so as to move the entire transactionprocess online in a timely manner.