


Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province:

Circular on OnlineTransactionWork of Mining Rights and Partial ConstructionLand-useRights


Hainan DNRP - Circular - 2021 - No. 565


Bureausof Natural Resources and Planning of cities, countiesand autonomous countiesof Hainan Province,theBureau of Planning, Construction and Land of Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Divisions and Offices of the Department of Natural Resources and Planningof Hainan Provinceand other affiliatedunits:


To comply with the spirit of the Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Building a More Complete System and Mechanism for Market-Oriented Allocation of Production Factorsand other documents, build a unified, open, competitive and orderlytransactionmarket system for land and mineral resourcesin Hainan, and follow the overall roadmap laid out in the Circular on the Implementation of Online Transactionof construction land-use rightsand Mining Rights Hainan DNRP - Compilation- 2020 - No. 94which requires a step-by-step and phased approach towards onlinetransactionof construction land-use rightsand mining rights, we decide to introduce online transactionof mining rights and partial construction land-use rights. Details of the circular are as follows:


1. The Scope and BeginningTime of OnlineTransaction


Starting from April 10th, 2021, mining rights (excluding the sea sand mining rights transferred through the mechanism of "integration of sea sand mining rights and the right to use sea areas"and oil and gas as well as other mining rights transferred by the Department of Natural Resources and Planning of Hainan Province authorized by the Ministry of Natural Resources) granted by natural resources and planning authorities of Hainan province, includingits cities, counties, autonomous counties as well as Yangpu Economic Development Zone (hereinafter referred to as"natural resources and planning authorities") within their own review,approvaland registrationrights or under authorization of their superiors, for auction or listing, or provincial reserve land offered for auction or listing and purported for commercial housing (including affordable commercial housing) construction projects, shall be traded on the OnlineTransactionSystem for construction land-use rightsand Mining Rights in Hainan Province hereinafterreferred to as the Provincial Land Transaction Center.


At the launching stage of the online transactionsystem, the aforementioned items will follow an "online + offline"integrated transactionapproach. Project registration and information release, bidding application, qualification review and results publicity shall be carried out in the online transaction system, while the transaction links such as quotation, bidding and transaction confirmation shall be conducted at the offline transaction site.


2. Online Procedures of "Online + offline"IntegratedTransaction


(1)Transactionproject registration


(I)Transactionregistration of mining rights shall be performed by thestaffof theLand Reserve Consolidation and Transaction Center of Hainan Province(hereinafter referred to as the Provincial Land Transaction Center)responsible for handling online transactionof mining rights. Staff shall real-name log in to the onlinetransactionsystem according to the CA digital certificates; enter the basic information of mining rights and their terms of use; upload transfer announcements, transfer notices and other transactiondocuments to the online transactionsystem; and send them to provincial, municipal and county-level natural resources and planning authorities who have entrusted the mining rights transfer for review and approval. The approved documents shall then be sent back to the Provincial Land Transaction Centerfor registration.


(II)Transactionregistration of constructionland-use rights for commercial housing projects shall be performed by the staff in charge of online land transactionfrom municipal and county-level bureaus of natural resources and planning as well as provincial land reserve authorities. Staff shall real-name log in to the online transactionsystem according to the CA digital certificates, enter the basic information of the projects and their terms of use, upload relevant documents required by the transactionsystem, and send them to the provincial transactionsystem for registration. The latter will then conduct formal review within 2 working days and register via the transactionsystem if documents are submitted in full.


2Onlinetransactionannouncement release


(I) The Provincial Land Transaction Centershall set offline transactionvenues and times for transfer,andthenpublish them in the online transactionsystem in a timely manner after provincial, municipal and county-level natural resources and planning authorities approve the transfer announcements, transfer notices and other transactiondocuments of mining rights.


(II) Once online transactionregistration procedures of constructionland-use rights for commercial housing begin, municipal and county-level bureaus of natural resources and planning as well as provincial land reserve authorities shall make appointments regarding venues and times with the Provincial Land Transaction Centerfor offline transaction,and publish transactionannouncements, transactionnotices and other relevant documents.


(Ⅲ)Besides the online transactionsystem, transactionannouncements of mining rights and construction land-use rightsshall also be published simultaneously in relevant platforms in accordance with the national and provincial provisions.Their contents shall be consistent with the announcement publication duration no less than the law requires. Transactionannouncements cannot be easily changed once they are issued. If the contents of the transactionannouncements or notices require adjustments or modifications, theoriginal versions shall beterminatedand newtransactionannouncements shall be issued.


(3) Online bidding application


Prospective bidders can read the basic information and transactionannouncements of mining rights and commercial housing land-userights, as well as download their transactionnotices and other relevant documentson the online transactionsystem. Bidding applicants who intend to participate in the onlinetransactionof mining rights and commercial housing land-userights shall log in to the online transactionsystem in their real names withCA digital certificates within the bidding application time specified in the announcement, fill outtheir detailed information by following the application process of the transactionsystem, upload the bidding application documents, submit the bidding application and pay the bidding deposit.


When submitting the bidding application in the online transactionsystem, the bidding applicants shall first designate a bank to pay the bidding deposit. The transactionsystem will then automatically generate a unique random bidding deposit account. The bidding applicants shall then transfer the deposit in full and on time to that account from the bank accounts of their companies, organizations or themselves. The arrival time of the bidding deposit shall be subject to the entry time of the bank information system.


(4) Bidding qualification examination


If the bidding application documents submitted by the bidding applicants in the online transactionsystem are approved and the bidding deposit has been paid as required, the online transactionsystem will automatically qualify them as bidders by issuing theConfirmation of the Qualification for Bidding. Bidders shall then download, print and bring the confirmation as well as other required materials to participate in the offline transactionof mining rights and commercial housing land-userights at the time and place specified in the announcement.


(5) Offline bidding and purchase confirmation


During the online transactionof mining rights and commercial housing land-userights, the quotation and bidding shall be carried out offline at thetransactionplaces within the specified time. In addition, offline transactionactivities shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant national and provincial provisions. Once the offline transactionis completed, transferors of mining rights and commercial housingland-userights shall sign the transactionconfirmation with the bidder on the spot stipulated by relevant regulations, and sign the transfer contract of mining rights and state-owned construction land-use rightsaccording to the transactionconfirmation.


(6)Transactionresults announcement


Transactionprices offered during the offline quotation, listing and auction period of mining rights and commercial housing land-userights of provincial reserve land shall be simultaneously input and published by the Provincial Land Transaction Centerin the online transactionsystem. Once transactionactivities conclude, the Provincial Land Transaction Centershall announce and publish transactionresults on specified platforms, uploading announcements and publicity documents to the online transactionsystem at the same time. Transactionprices and results for commercial housing land-userights from cities and counties shall be made public in the onlinetransactionsystem by respective municipal and county-level natural resources and planning authorities via the same procedures.


(7) Bidding deposit refunding and transactionservice fee payment


Once the online transactionof mining rights and commercial housing land-userights is completed, winning bidders shall pay transactionservice fees, with their bidding deposit converted into the transfer fees of mining rights or land transfer fees. The refunding of the bidding deposit forthose failing to win bids shall be carried out in accordance with the methods of on-site transactionactivities.


3. Working Requirements


(1) The Department of Natural Resources and Planningof Hainan Provincewill print and distribute the operation manual for the onlinetransactionsystem, offering instructions to the municipal and county-level natural resources and planning authorities and other relevant institutions, further improving the online transactionsystem and issuingonline transactionrules based on the problems found in the transactionprocess and suggestions put forward in the online transactionof mining rights and commercial housing land-userights, so as to move the entire transactionprocess online in a timely manner.


(2) Divisions and offices of the Department of Natural Resources and Planningof Hainan Province, andbureaus of natural resources and planning ofcities and counties shall be fully aware of the importance and necessity of online transactionwork, earnestly make full preparations,map outtransfer schemes for mining rights and commercial housing land-userights as required, and clarify the specifics ofsemi-process online transaction mode of "online + offline"in the schemes, announcements and notices. In addition, the natural resources and planning bureaus of all cities and counties and theProvincial Land Transaction Centershall talk to prospective opening banks regarding bidding deposits to ensure that at least one bank can connect with the online transactionsystem during the operation period in different cities and counties.


(3) Divisions and offices of the Department of Natural Resources and Planningof Hainan Province, natural resources and planning bureaus of cities and counties and relevant authorities shall strengthen security measures of computers for transactionadministrators, making plans and countermeasures for resolving such risks as network blockage, virus intrusion, software and hardware failure, loss of digital certificate, forgetting or divulging password. For bidding applicants, authorities shall enhance bidding applicants'awareness of potential risks from hardware or network failure.


(4) The digital authentication system is implemented for onlinetransaction. Transferors, bidders and relevant administration personnel of onlinetransactionshall log in to the online transactionsystem in their real names with CA digital certificates for relevant operations, or be held accountable for the operation orders. Divisions and offices of the Department of Natural Resources and Planningof Hainan Province, natural resources and planning bureaus of cities and counties and relevant authorities shall strengthen the management and supervision of relevant personnel to properly keep CA digital certificates. In the case of missing digital certificates or changed personnel amongtheadministration team, authorities shall timely apply to theCA digital certificate service institutions for cancellation, adjustment or re-issuance, and to the Provincial Land Transaction Centerfor terminating or granting administration authority.


The Department of Natural Resources and Planningof Hainan Province


March 25, 2021


Contact: Zhou Wenjing. Tel: 65236087


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